Appointment Reminders For Physical Therapists

1. Schedule Appointments
Schedule appointments in Appointment Aid.

1. Schedule Appointments
Schedule appointments in Appointment Aid.
2. Client Receives Reminders
Phone Call, Text Message, or Email Reminders

2. Client Receives Reminders
Phone Call, Text Message, or Email Reminders

3. Your Clients Arrive On Time
You Get PAID!

3. Your Clients Arrive On Time
You Get PAID!
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As the greater American population ages, the need for physical therapy services continues to increase. As more and more baby boomers hit their sixties and seventies, all sorts of aches and pains come to the surface. That is the fact of life. We will all get older. We will all need some form of physical therapy at some point in our lives. Also, when people get into accidents, and they need a physical rehab or a range of motion rehab, physical therapy services are in high demand. Finally, due to the recent American experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, there are a lot of veterans out there that need physical therapy services due to wartime injuries. Put all these factors together, and you have a very healthy demand for physical therapy services. If you offer this type of service, you probably already know how robust a business is.
You probably already know how much demand is out there for your specialized service. The problem is, you might be losing out on a lot of the profits you could be making based on one simple bad decision. What decision is that? You are using an ineffective or an incomplete appointment setting system. Make no mistake about it. If you offer any type of service to the general American public, the profitability of your business rides on your ability to sell your time. Whether you are a physical therapist, immigration lawyer, pest exterminator, or a plumber, you are selling your service. Service takes time. In other words, you are selling your time. If you have an ineffective or faulty system for blocking out your time, you are either leaving a lot of money on the table, or you are losing money. That's the bottom line.
One of the biggest concepts that any service provider should grasp is the concept of opportunity cost. Opportunity costs crop up in many ways. The most common way that this impacts the experience of physical therapists is when somebody misses an appointment. You could have been doing something else with that time. That activity that you could have been doing at that block of time could be making you money. That's the bottom line. The opportunity cost is all about wasted time costing you money. The reality is that your most precious asset is your time. It's not your van, it's not your car, it's not your equipment. It's your time. That's what you went to school for, that's what you got trained for, and that's what people are paying you for.
If you have very ineffective or inefficient appointment setting system, you are losing out, and you are losing money. The good news is that fixing the system is not as hard as you might think. You only need to add one additional component. What component is that? You need to add an appointment reminder service.
SMS appointment reminders for physical therapists
There are many different types of appointment reminder service out there. The most efficient is SMS appointment reminders for physical therapists. These services are very simple. You only need to enter your client's contact information and your appointment information, and the system will take care of the rest. SMS appointment reminders for physical therapists simply send text messages to your customers ahead of time. This way, if they cannot make it to the appointment, you will know ahead of time. This allows you to plug any gaps in your appointment schedule so you don't lose money on those gaps. Most importantly, it also helps you look good in front of your client base. How?
When people feel that you are doing them a favor by moving their scheduled appointment up, they become more loyal to you. They have a higher chance of using your service again. Make no mistake about it. Using the right appointment reminder service will not just help your physical therapy practice to avoid losses, but it can also increase business over the long term.